
Open Class

Let’s Rise and Thrive!

A Kripalu Hatha yoga practice mixed with somatic yoga, yoga therapy, and a splash of Kundalini yoga aims to aid inward focus on the flow of prana, life force energy, and self-healing. Explore your Asanas (Yoga poses), where you interweave relaxing your para-sympathetic nervous system, lymphatic system self-massage, and vibrational wellness.

Yoga Gatherings

Yoga Parties & Moon Circles

Drink, Play, Laugh! Together, we rise and thrive with our Kula and connect through social sadhana. Community gatherings that offer yin-yang balance deliver your D.O.S.E. (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins) through yoga asana, energy work, and good ol’ fashion conversation.


Mind Body Healing-or- Align & Flow

Choose your Journey from a one-on-one session involving a practitioner assisting and supporting yoga postures while guiding your process through client-centered, open-ended, and non-directive dialogue for spiritual and soul healing. Or a one-on-one where you will grow organically at your own pace to fulfill your fitness needs and mental clarity with 1-on-1 attention.


Mat and Reformer sessions

Your sessions will be structured with muscle conditioning techniques focused on precise movement and controlled breathing. These techniques activate the deep core muscles to promote flexibility and strength.  Joseph Pilates designed Pilates to correct muscular imbalances, improve posture, increase coordination, stimulate bilateral brain activity, and promote better balance.